December News

Ok, ok, we’re very late bringing you this latest update, but we have many good excuses besides the holidays and the recent events in France which have left us (and the world) a bit numb.


Here, then, are our excuses:


The site was translated into German, which may be a detail for you, but it’s nevertheless an important step.


During the off-season of conferences and salons, Laurent presented the project internally to the Gandi team (of which the majority had had the opportunity to hear about without really knowing the details).  If, like Gandi, you would like Laurent to come explain the driving forces and details behind the Caliopen project, please don’t hesitate to ask. And to boot, he doesn’t show up empty-handed (macaroons!!)


Aymeric was responsible for spreading the word to DNAC and made many interesting contacts.  Meanwhile, Benjamin and Gregory went to respond to English questions about Caliopen to the 31C3 as part of La Quadrature du Net stand.


Réunion Caliopen 12/12/2014Two “front” developers have joined the team: Kajan Sivaramalingam and Julien Muetton will be responsible for creating the interface of our dreams which has, in fact, very much evolved lately. After a thorough comparison of existing frameworks and a vote, Caliopen will be based on Ember.js.


Finally, Thomas created a screencast of what will very soon be the opening of a Caliopen account.



And this is why we’ve been so late with a blog update:  we’ve been working hard. But in January, we promise a second update very very quickly.

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